Today had a nice outing wif guildmates....was suppose to take guild pic but not many turn up, so we decided to go on guild tour .Together wif me are darkrimu ,darkrikku,doumeki87,lt'sMeCL and newly joined member L0nelYRaiN tour from ellinia station>orbis station>ludi > korea> and PitStop aqua
But according to IAngelinaL’s video, Echo of Hero is an exclusive skill to level 200s, when u reach lvl 200, you get an extra skill called Echo of Hero. So what does this skill do?
This skill, Echo of Hero, last 40 minutes and has a 2 hours cooldown. It adds 40% physical and magical damage.
Hidden Street says that this is an admin only skill; +4% physical and magical dmg and lasts 40 minutes